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Day 26 – Q 5.Which factors were responsible to cause the nations of Europe to engage in imperialist activities? What were their implications? Discuss.

5. Which factors were responsible to cause the nations of Europe to engage in imperialist activities? What were their implications? Discuss. 

यूरोप के राष्ट्रों द्वारा साम्राज्यवादी गतिविधियों में शामिल होने के लिए कौन से कारक जिम्मेदार थे? उनके प्रभाव क्या थे? चर्चा करें।


Prior to the 19th century, Europe’s interactions with Asia and Africa had mostly been limited to holding trading posts on the continent. Content to make money from these commercial outlets, Europe usually didn’t impose direct rule onto these areas. However, as the 19th century progressed, a shift occurred. In this period of New Imperialism, Europeans began to seek formal political control over foreign and overseas areas.

Five factors for Imperialism by Europeans:

Various motives prompt empires to seek to expand their rule over other countries or territories. These include economic, exploratory, ethnocentric, political, and religious motives.

  • Economic: Imperial governments, and private companies under those governments, sought ways to maximize profits. Economic expansion demanded cheap labor, access to or control of markets to sell or buy products, and natural resources such as precious metals and land; governments have met these demands by tribute or by plunder.
  • Exploratory: Imperial nations or their citizens wanted to explore territory that was, to them, unknown. Sometimes they did this for the purpose of medical or scientific research.
  • Ethnocentric: Imperial nations sometimes believed that their cultural values or beliefs were superior to other nations or groups. Imperial conquest, they believed, would bring successful culture to inferior people.
  • Political: Patriotism and growing imperial power spurred countries to compete with others for supremacy. It’s a matter of national pride, prestige and security. Empires sought strategic territory to ensure access for their navies and armies around the world.
  • Religious: During imperial expansion, religious people sometimes set out to convert new members of their religion and, thus, their empire. Christian missionaries from Europe, for example, established churches in conquered territories during the nineteenth century.

The Consequences of Imperialism:

Imperialism is never considered as a good cause and effect.  At first when it occurs it may seem as a positive effect, but in the long run, for example in this case it was a negative effect.  All Africans and Asians were heavily exploited and were given no rights to do anything even though the mother countries gave them modern culture.  Colonies inside colonies would fight because they wanted independence and have their own government and rule. There were many ethnics group that had nationalistic feelings but could not accomplish anything and become a free nation because of Imperialism. The effects were many, but probably the most important effects were:

  • Natural resources of America, Africa and Asia were exploded
  • It founded the bases if Industrialization and the European powers became rich.
  • It created global superpowers like Great Britain which could have caused the World Wars to be global.
  • It gave technology raise and it has led to development of modernity all over the world, health parameters, social parameters and economic parameters have enhanced after imperialism.

Best answer: Tango ISM

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