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Day 35 – Q 5.Don’t you think Right to Information (RTI) stifles decision making? Critically examine.

5. Don’t you think Right to Information (RTI) stifles decision making? Critically examine. 

क्या आपको नहीं लगता कि सूचना का अधिकार (आरटीआई) निर्णय लेने में बाधा डालता है? समालोचनात्मक जांच करें।


  • Introduction
  • Benefits of RTI Act.
  • Main body- discussing the concern mentioned in the question. Critical analysis (both positive and negative aspects).
  • Conclusion


Right to Information was introduced in India in 2005. It is considered as one of the best laws across India.

Benefits of RTI includes-

  • More transparency and hence greater accountability.
  • It acts an interface between government and citizens thereby deepening democracy.
  • Ensures empowerment through information

Main Body:

Many have raised the concern that RTI stifles decision making as it makes the officials stay cautious and averse to take risk. It prevents bureaucrats from taking bold decisions because of the fear of getting questioned and public criticism. This results in policy paralysis.

The argument is not right:

  • Decision makers needs to be accountable and RTI assures that accountability.
  • Further fear exists when one is not taking decision based on proper research and analysis. In case it is done properly there is no need to fear.
  • Its unethical not to take action out of fear of something. Ethical values like integrity is needed.

Way ahead:

  • RTI does results into cautiousness. The officials thus, needs to adopt a well though approach while taking decisions instead of hurrying into it. RTI should be seen less as a fear factor and more as a motivating factor.
  • RTI activists should also act as wheel to governance rather than filing cases which stifles governance.


Given the benefits of RTI, its time the government strengthens it further. Recent draft amendments which will weaken RTI should thus be given a thought again.

Best answer: Abhishek Singh


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