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Day 37 – Q 4.WWI and interwar years prepared a firm and deep base for nationalistic uprising in India. Discuss?

4. WWI and interwar years prepared a firm and deep base for nationalistic uprising in India. Discuss? 

प्रथम विश्व युद्ध और युद्ध अंतराल के वर्षों ने भारत में राष्ट्रवादी विद्रोह के लिए एक दृढ़ और गहरा आधार तैयार किया। चर्चा करें।


World War 1 and Inter-war years lead to the rise of 2nd leg of Indian National Movement, it prepared a firm and deep base in for Nationalistic activities in India, the culmination of various International influences, along with rising mass participation in India, a strong resolve of Nationalist Leaders and effective & unique methodology finally lead to achieving success.


The freedom struggle came to its climax during the years between the two world wars, while Gandhi’s Passive resistance, increasing mass participation, reducing British Influence throughout the word in addition to the following effects of World Wars and International events strengthened Indian Freedom movement –

  • Increased motivation by February and October Revolution.
  • Rise of Comintern in Russia, lead to increased support for India.
  • Lack of Focus of British on its colonies- as they were on the back foot to defend themselves because of their reducing impact.
  • Series of events of decolonization throughout the world.
  • Defeat of Russia by Japan – raised confidence of leaders in India.
  • Non fulfillment of promises by the British and self-declared support of India by the British without bargain with the Indians, raised antipathy.

All these events leading from the Impact of the first World War, lead indirectly to strengthen the resolve of Leaders and common people in India and it lead to a huge impact, which could be seen in the following areas-  

Political arena

  • Rise of demand for Purna Swaraj (Complete Independence-1929)
  • Rise of Mass Struggle
    • With Gandhi’s emphasis of mass struggle- masses became integral part of the freedom movement.
    • Farmers, poor, women-all started taking part in freedom struggle and collectively dreamed Independence.
  • Rise of Revolutionary Terrorism
  • International Political Participation
    • Gadar Party
    • India house by Sham ji Krishna Verma
    • Madam Bhikaji Cama in Switzerland.

Social Aspect

  • Movement of Social inclusion against castism, untouchability; e.g-Self Respect Movement.
  • Upliftment of women and participation in Khilafat and Non Cooperation
  • Heavy mass participation in national movement: Peasants, Tribal, Students, women etc.

Economic Aspect

  • Demand and initiative of economic planning and pattern of economy by – 
    • Bombay Plan
    • National Planning committee under J. Nehru.
    • Sarvodaya plan by JP .Narayan

Constitutional Aspect

  • Demand for own Constitution by Indians by the following steps
    • Massive agitation against Simon Commission.
    • Demand for Constitution by M.N .Roy and Indian National Congress
  • The Home Rule Movement was influenced by the Irish movement.

Growth of Nationalism 

  • Strengthened by Khilafat and NCM.
  • Coming up of Swarajists to political victory and giving taste of freedom.
  • RTCs showed how brutal British Raj was and their intention to give freedom was a fallacy.
  • Civil Disobedience Movement brought all public close by touching salt issue.

Growth of Socialism 

  • As a result of Russian Revolution of 1917, militants got inspired by socialism-which made people realize the ill effects of capitalism.
  • It brought most ignored sections like peasants to the forefront.


  • It played its role when every religion took to fight for freedom
  • It strengthened the will of INC to fight for United India.
  • Also brought various nationalists closer when they saw ills of communalism


Thus, World War 1 and Interwar period had far reaching effects  on India’s freedom movement- it lead to the strengthening of the foundation laid by the Moderates and acted as the link between initial efforts and final culmination to Independence.

BEST ANSWER: Ankita Munshi

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