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Day 58 – Q 1.Do you think there exist a correlation in unemployment and terrorism? Critically examine.

1. Do you think there exist a correlation in unemployment and terrorism? Critically examine.


Terrorism can be defined as the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. Unemployment is the phenomenon where a person willing to work is unable to find work. There is a “symbiotic relation” between jobs and growth of Terrorism according to many studies.

  • Joblessness forces urban youth into “waithood.” Frustrated by the perpetual delay in opportunity or hope, they become candidates for violence and terrorism.
  • Ehrlich (1973) found that employment opportunities can be regarded as a corresponding indicator of income opportunities available in the labour market. So when unemployment rate raises, the income earning opportunities in the legal sectors diminishes and causing unemployed individuals to involve in unlawful activities like terrorism.
  • Harrison (2006) found that parents may support their children to become a terrorist if the future of children is doubtful because of high unemployment and discriminations.
  • The Global Terrorism Index 2015, explains the conditions that foster terrorism differ between more and less developed countries.

a) In the West, socio-economic factors such as youth unemployment and drug crime correlate with terrorism.

b) In non-OECD countries, terrorism shows stronger associations with ongoing conflict, corruption and violence E.g: Bosnia, Nigeria.

However, Alan Krueger, a leading economist at Princeton, suggested that any correlation between poverty, education and terrorism is complicated and probably weak. He also stated that “terrorism is result of political conditions and long standing feelings of indignity and frustration”.

E.g. Osama bin Laden is a case in point. He belonged to a rich family and went on to study at a University before he joined Al-Qaeda.

Other factors that lead to terrorism are also very substantive than unemployment like religious fundamentalism, radicalization, perceived western imperialism, resurgence of ethnic nationalism.

E.g. Example of an educated Pune Engineer joining ISIS.

Best Answer: Mahishmati

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