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Day 18 – Q 3. Why is juvenile delinquency on the rise? What measures have been taken to address it?

3. Why is juvenile delinquency on the rise? What measures have been taken to address it?

किशोर अपराध में वृद्धि क्यों है? इसे संबोधित करने के लिए क्या उपाय किए गए हैं?


Juvenile delinquency is defined as an individual under the age of 18 who fails to abide by the laws.


Leading factors contributing to Juvenile delinquency

1 Poor school attendance: School is not only a place to learn and grow; it is also a structured routine that provides children with a goal to accomplish each day. Children who are not encouraged to learn this type of routine are losing out on establishing good habits. They are also experiencing a lot of free time that can be used to “learn” about other things that will not enhance their lives or their futures.

Failure to accept the routine of attending school actually instils in children that they do not have to comply with societal norms and that they can do as they please.

2 Violence at home: Lashing out t others for violence children experience at home is common. Children subjected to violent actions, or those who witness it to others, are more likely to act us their fears and frustrations. They often have a “don’t care” attitude and this allows them to get into trouble more easily.

3 Peer Pressure: Similar to neighbourhood pressures, peer pressure from direct acquaintances can have an effect on how a child reacts to bad situations. If all of their friends are committing delinquent acts, the child may feel pressured to do the same to be accepted.

4 Socio Economic Factors: Juvenile delinquency is more common in poorer neighbourhoods. While all neighbourhoods are not exempt from delinquent activities, it is believed they happen more in areas where children feel they must commit crimes to prosper.

Theft and similar crimes may actually be a result of necessity and not that of just a petty crime

5 Substance Abuse: Substance abuse in a home or by the child is a very common cause for delinquency. Children who are exposed to substance abuse often do not have the necessities they need to thrive and are forced to find these necessities in other ways. Others, who become dependent on a substance, may also need to commit crimes to sustain their habit.

6) Lack of Moral Guidance: Parental or adult influence is the most important factor in deterring delinquency. When a parent or other adult interacts with the child and shows them what is acceptable behaviour and what is considered wrong, the child is more likely to act in a way that is not delinquent.

It is very important for a child to have a bond with a good adult who will influence their actions and show them the difference between what is right and what is wrong.

Measures taken to address Juvenile delinquency :

The office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency and Prevention recommend following measures to prevent delinquency

1) Classroom and behaviour management programs

2) Social competence promotion curriculum

3) Conflict resolution and violence prevention curriculum

4) Bullying prevention programs

5) Afterschool recreation programs

6) Mentoring Programs

7) School organisation programs

8) Community intervention programs

Indian government have taken lot of painstaking efforts to reduce juvenile delinquency but there is still a long way to go for the government .Some special provisions have been implemented in India  for Juvenile delinquents .Observation homes have been established .This intervention is very necessary to get Juvenile back in mainstream.

Best Answer: P29

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