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Day 7 – Q 5.How do constitutional bodies help in ensuring accountability of the Government? Discuss.

5. How do constitutional bodies help in ensuring accountability of the Government? Discuss.    

संवैधानिक निकाय सरकार की जवाबदेही सुनिश्चित करने में कैसे मदद करते हैं? चर्चा करें।

Approach –

Introduction – you can write about the what are the constitutional bodies

Body – you can divide how various constitutional bodies help in maintaining various type of accountability like financial accountability social accountability etc.

Conclusion – write an apt conclusion

Introduction –  

Constitutional bodies are those bodies which are mentioned in the constitution and receive their power and authority from the constitution. For eg. UPSC, CAG etc.

They are vested with such important responsibility and function which helps them in ensuring the accountability.

Body –

They help in ensuring accountability in following ways:

  1. Financial accountability –
    • The finance commission (article 280) takes control of distribution of finance between centre and the states.
    • Comptroller and auditor general, CAG (article 148) is the “guardian of the public purse” and controls the entire financial system of the country.
  2. Bureaucratic accountability –
    • UPSC and State PSC is responsible for selecting and conducting exams for top bureaucrat of the country.
  3. Administrative accountability – It is upheld by setting up tribunals under article 323 A and article 323 B.
  4. Political accountability – This is ensured by bodies such as election commission under article 324 by ensuring free and fair election.
  5. Social accountability – This is ensured by bodies such as national commission on schedule class and schedule tribe through social empowerment of backward section under article 338 and article 338 A.
  6. Judicial accountability – To ensure that the government performs their duties under ambit of law of the country, Attorney general of India (article 76) has been advising the government for smooth governance.

However, there are some challenges also associated with these bodies:

  1. Some bodies are pure advisory in nature such as national commission on schedule caste and tribe which makes them toothless tiger.
  2. Poor human resource management
  3. Government interference
  4. Politicization of these bodies
  5. Vacancy of the posts

Conclusion –  

Constitutional bodies are said to be of utmost importance in maintaining accountability but due to certain issues as mentioned previously, they are not able to function to their fullest potential. If these issues are addressed on war footing, then they can achieve their goal as stipulated.

Best answer-  Aspirant 123

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