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Day 30 – Q 1. Are ethical concerns and standards different in private and public institutions? Critically comment

1. Are ethical concerns and standards different in private and public institutions? Critically comment.

क्या नैतिक मुद्दे और मानक निजी और सार्वजनिक संस्थानों में अलग हैं? समालोचनात्मक टिप्पणी करें।


Ethical standards are the principles that when followed, promote values such as trust, good behavior, fairness, and/or kindness. There is not one consistent set of standards that all companies follow, but each company has the right to develop the standards that are meaningful for their organization.


Ethical standards are same

  • Integrity- Members of both private and public institutions should have highest sense of integrity and not be influenced by any outside individual or organization which might affect their performance.
  • Accountability- Both public and private institutions and their employees are accountable for the decisions and actions taken to the public, economy as a whole.
  • Honesty- Both have to have utmost honesty and sincerity to the work and both have to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that affects their respective institutions.
  • Probity- Both institutions should have highest quality of strong moral principles, honesty, decency etc.

Ethical standards are different:

  • Selflessness v/s private interests- Public institutions should take decisions only in the interest of public, whereas private take only for private interests like profit, revenue creation etc.
  • Openness v/s secrecy- Public institutions work on the principle of openness whereas private institutions work on the principle of secrecy and guard their secrets from competitors and public.


Provide a brief conclusion.

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