Day 46 – Q 2. Having so many unresolved issues and irritants with Bangladesh, India’s approach towards her eastern neighbour must be carefully calibrated. Comment.
2. Having so many unresolved issues and irritants with Bangladesh, India’s approach towards her eastern neighbour must be carefully calibrated. Comment.
बांग्लादेश के साथ कई अनसुलझे मुद्दों और परेशानियों के बाद, भारत को अपने पूर्वी पड़ोसी के प्रति दृष्टिकोण को सावधानीपूर्वक कैलिब्रेट किया जाना चाहिए। टिप्पणी करें।
India and Bangladesh share a unique bond and a special relationship rooted in a common cultural heritage, shared principles and values.
India aided Bangladesh to gain independence from Pakistan in 1971. With passage of time relations between the two nations have seen many ups and down.
Unresolved issues and irritants that remain:
- Water sharing: Teesta River Agreement, Farakka barriage, Bangladesh objection to the construction of Tipaimukh dam on Barak river in Manipur.
- Migrant’s issue: NRC exercise and perception that illegal migrants will be deported to Bangladesh.
- Illegal activities along border: trafficking, drugs dealing and fake currency.
- India’s handling of Rohingya issue.
- China factor: growing security and military relations, increasing investment of china in infrastructural projects in Bangladesh is cause of concern for India. Ex: Chittagong port.
- Delivery deficit associated with Indian projects in Bangladesh.
India’s approach towards neighbour needs to be carefully calibrated due to following reasons
- India shares longest border of length 4,096 km with Bangladesh.
- Bangladesh’s location is a strategic wedge between mainland India and North-eastern states of the Indian Union. Each of these states is land-locked and has shorter route to the sea through Bangladesh.
- The only entry to and exit from the North-eastern region of India is through the Shiliguri Corridor that is within striking distance of Bangladesh. The Shiliguri Corridor is the most sensitive ‘choke point’ for the Indian Union.
- Security concerns: given the rise in fundamentalism, it is essential to have friendly relations with Bangladesh to prevent anti-India terror or insurgent activities to be carried out from its soil.
- Peaceful neighbourhood is essential for peace, stability and growth of the South Asian region.
- A ‘neutral’ Bangladesh also ensures containment of an assertive China in this region, including along the strategic sea-lanes of the Bay of Bengal.
It is important for both India and Bangladesh to be mindful of each other’s concerns and address these unresolved issues in a meaningful manner.
Best answer: Arvind Senta