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Day 61 – Q 3. What evidences prove that India was a hub of education and learning during ancient time?

Q.3) What evidences prove that India was a hub of education and learning during ancient time?


In words of Mark Twain, “India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great-grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only.”


Evidences to prove India was hub of education and learning during ancient times:

  • World class universities at Nalanda and Takshashila.
  • Students produced by these universities: Chanakya from Takshashila.
  • Shad Darshanas: Evolution of six philosophies and their teachings.
  • Travellers accounts.
  • Ancient treasures and writings.
  • Famous poets and their works: Aryabhatta, Sushrutha, Varaharamihira, Chanakya, Nagarguna, Thiruvalluvar, etc.
  • Foreign students coming to India for studies and research purposes.
  • Excellence in Science and arts.
  • World’s first republic and Democracy: Buddha’s council, Sabha and samitis during early Vedic and Buddhist times.

Note: 1-2 lines explanation is required for all points.


The above evidences prove that India was the center of excellence in education and beckoning light to the world. Also according to historical facts, Nalanda university library had 9 million books and when it was set fire by invaders, it took 3 months for the fire to completely burn down.

Best Answer: Lucku Verma

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