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Day 39 – Q 5.Can emotional intelligence be imparted through training? Examine.

5. Can emotional intelligence be imparted through training? Examine. 

क्या प्रशिक्षण के माध्यम से भावनात्मक बुद्धिमत्ता प्रदान की जा सकती है? जांच करें।


Emotional intelligence is defined as our ability to recognize and control our own emotional states, while also being mindful of the emotional states of those around us. Competency in understanding one’s own and others’ emotions consists of knowing the causes and consequences of different emotions as well as being able to differentiate between varying emotions.


Key skills of emotional intelligence:

  • Personal Awareness: Knowing how you react to triggers for example, if someone disagrees with you in an argument, you might roll your eyes, and/or slam things down on the table to show disapproval.
  • Personal Management: For example, during an argument you might respectfully end the conversation to de-escalate the situation without making the other person feel small because they don’t agree with you.
  • Social Awareness: You will be aware of behaviours and the lack of awareness from others and are now able to see things from a different perspective.
  • Relationship Management: Your ability to use your awareness and the emotions of others to develop and maintain relationships. These skills are vital in working in teams and with partners, clients, vendors and customers. 

Emotional intelligence through training:

  • Researchers in diverse fields indicate that it is possible to increase emotional intelligence and that such training has the potential to lead to other positive outcomes.
  • Various different methods have been discovered on the ambit of E.I through training:
  • Use Blended Learning – A blended learning training model allows participants to conduct role plays, discussion and interpretation of scenarios through feedback.
  • Incorporate Quizzes and Tests – Online testing and quizzes play an integral role in how people recognize the most important elements in a lesson. It helps in making them aware of their etiquettes and shortcomings.
  • Workshops and Certification programs: For developmental and behavioural assessment trainings.
  • Organizations with E.I. training for employees saw significant improvements in:
  • Communication skills and the power to comprehend nonverbal cues of interaction (body language, facial expression, the tone of words, etc.)
  • Group performance, especially at the workplace and maintaining a high team spirit
  • Organizational skills – and managing schedules more efficiently
  • Work motivation and the power to accept feedback and criticism positively
  • Leadership skills
  • E.I training to students is believed not only to have showed marked improvement in their emotional abilities, but they also continued to manifest the same even after months of training, in their careers and endeavours after college.
  • EQ continues to improve and enhance over a lifetime, so it is never too late to start learning about Emotional Intelligence.
  • Several   self-assessment training can be done too: Choosing not to retort immediately, answering wisely in conflicts, personal introspection and taking feedback from peers, friends etc, practicing empathy as a daily habit etc.

However, there are limitations when it comes to training:

  • They majorly focus only on organizational skills, work cultures etc, and often ignore the personal traits of the person.
  • Many times a person very inclined to or raised in an environment with lack of importance to EI, tends to continue so in his interactions, as such external trainings seem unnecessary to him.
  • Humans after all are inclined to react emotionally to a situation suddenly faced, without comprehending repercussions of his/her actions in spite of training or awareness of EI.

Emotional intelligence training is given in most work environments, government professions throughout the globe. It is being stressed and assessed, even before the technical skills at many corporate environments. Right from school, EI is a skill set that has to be incorporated as a main part of a person’s growth.


An individual ultimately is a product of a society. In view of this, emotional intelligence stands as a very basic characteristic everyone must possess. Training through several methods definitely help in the personal and professional growth of an individual, as any characteristic being practiced as a part of his/her general personality tends to be inculcated in the long run.

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