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Indian History

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Day 3 – Q 5.Did the development of railways by the British had any positive impact on the Indian economy and society? Critically examine.

5. Did the development of railways by the British had any positive impact on the Indian economy and society? Critically examine.  क्या अंग्रेजों द्वारा रेलवे के विकास का भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था और समाज पर कोई सकारात्मक प्रभाव पड़ा? समालोचनात्मक जांच करें। Introduction The first passenger train in India ran between Bombay . . . Read more

Day 3 – Q 4.What administrative measures did the British adopt initially to rule India? Did the initial approach change later on? If yes, examine the factors that led to such change in the approach.

4. What administrative measures did the British adopt initially to rule India? Did the initial approach change later on? If yes, examine the factors that led to such change in the approach.   भारत पर शासन करने के लिए शुरू में अंग्रेजों ने क्या प्रशासनिक उपाय अपनाए थे? क्या प्रारंभिक दृष्टिकोण . . . Read more

Day 3 – Q 3.Why did the peasants rebel against the British rule in the 19th century? Were there religious overtones in some of these rebellions? Examine.

3. Why did the peasants rebel against the British rule in the 19th century? Were there religious overtones in some of these rebellions? Examine.  19 वीं शताब्दी में किसानों ने ब्रिटिश शासन के खिलाफ विद्रोह क्यों किया? क्या इन विद्रोहों में से कुछ में धार्मिक ओवरटोन थे? जांच करें। Introduction . . . Read more

Day 3 – Q 2.The Indian elites in the 19th century argued for and launched a movement to reform Hinduism from within in the light of post- Enlightenment rationalism. This phenomenon is referred as ‘Bengal Renaissance’ or ‘Nineteenth Century Indian Renaissance’. Who were the main proponents of this movement and what did they strive for? Analyse.

2. The Indian elites in the 19th century argued for and launched a movement to reform Hinduism from within in the light of post- Enlightenment rationalism. This phenomenon is referred as ‘Bengal Renaissance’ or ‘Nineteenth Century Indian Renaissance’. Who were the main proponents of this movement and what did they . . . Read more

Day 3 – Q 1.With what motives did the British introduce English education in India? Discuss. What implications did English education had on Indian society at large? Examine.

1. With what motives did the British introduce English education in India? Discuss. What implications did English education had on Indian society at large? Examine.  अंग्रेजों ने भारत में अंग्रेजी शिक्षा की शुरुआत किस मकसद से की थी? चर्चा करें। अंग्रेजी शिक्षा का भारतीय समाज पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ा? जांच . . . Read more

Day 2 – Q 5.The ideological moorings of the freedom movement derived its intellectual fodder from Bengal. Elucidate.

5. The ideological moorings of the freedom movement derived its intellectual fodder from Bengal. Elucidate. स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन के वैचारिक भावों ने बंगाल से अपना बौद्धिक चारा प्राप्त किया। स्पष्ट करें। Introduction: An Ideology specifically means a system of ideas or ideals on which one bases his or her political or . . . Read more

Day 2 – Q 4.How did Gandhi’s arrival change the discourse of the nationalist movement? Did it make the movement more inclusive and representative? Critically comment.

4. How did Gandhi’s arrival change the discourse of the nationalist movement? Did it make the movement more inclusive and representative? Critically comment. गांधी के आगमन ने राष्ट्रवादी आंदोलन के प्रवचन को कैसे बदल दिया? क्या इसने आंदोलन को अधिक समावेशी और प्रतिनिधि बना दिया? आलोचनात्मक टिप्पणी करें। Introduction: Gandhiji’s . . . Read more

Day 2 – Q 3.The freedom fighters were infatuated by the ideals of socialism. How did it reflect upon the freedom struggle? Comment.

3. The freedom fighters were infatuated by the ideals of socialism. How did it reflect upon the freedom struggle? Comment.   स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों को समाजवाद के आदर्शों ने काफी प्रभावित किया था। इसने स्वतंत्रता संग्राम को कैसे प्रभावित किया? टिप्पणी करें। Introduction: 1917 onward, The Great October Socialist Revolution of . . . Read more

Day 2 – Q 2.The British rule in India witnessed several peasant movements. Why did peasants rebel against the British? What were the most common underlying factors? How did peasants mobilize against the rule? Discuss.

2. The British rule in India witnessed several peasant movements. Why did peasants rebel against the British? What were the most common underlying factors? How did peasants mobilize against the rule? Discuss. भारत में ब्रिटिश शासन में कई किसान आंदोलन हुए। किसानों ने अंग्रेजों के खिलाफ विद्रोह क्यों किया? सबसे . . . Read more

Day 2 – Q 1.What role did Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, a key figure of the Bengal Renaissance, play for the emancipation of women? Discuss.

1. What role did Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, a key figure of the Bengal Renaissance, play for the emancipation of women? Discuss. महिलाओं के उद्धार के लिए बंगाल पुनर्जागरण की प्रमुख शख्सियत ईश्वर चंद्र विद्यासागर ने क्या भूमिका निभाई? चर्चा करें। Introduction Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was a 19th century intellectual. . . . Read more