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Day 22

All the articles in Day 22

Day 22 – Q 5.Critically evaluate the performance of employment generation programmes in India.

5. Critically evaluate the performance of employment generation programmes in India.   भारत में रोजगार उत्पादन कार्यक्रमों के प्रदर्शन का समालोचनात्मक मूल्यांकन करें। Introduction: With more than 60 percent of population under working age category, Employment generation has become one of the most important issue for the government with increasing . . . Read more

Day 22 – Q 4.What are the fallouts of low levels of sexual health literacy in India? Examine. How can sex education be promoted in India? Suggest.

4. What are the fallouts of low levels of sexual health literacy in India? Examine. How can sex education be promoted in India? Suggest.  भारत में यौन स्वास्थ्य साक्षरता के निम्न स्तर के क्या प्रभाव हैं? जांच करें। भारत में यौन शिक्षा कैसे बढ़ावा दिया  जा सकती है? सुझाव दें। . . . Read more

Day 22 – Q 3.How does financial inclusion help in addressing poverty? Illustrate.

3. How does financial inclusion help in addressing poverty? Illustrate.  गरीबी को संबोधित करने में वित्तीय समावेश कैसे मदद करता है? उदाहरण देकर स्पष्ट करें। Approach: Introduction Role of financial inclusion in reducing poverty. Challenges, steps taken by government and way ahead- small reference is required. Even though not asked . . . Read more

Day 22 – Q 2.Despite rapid economic growth, hunger and malnutrition remain a challenge in many districts of India. Why? Analyse.

2. Despite rapid economic growth, hunger and malnutrition remain a challenge in many districts of India. Why? Analyse. तेजी से आर्थिक विकास के बावजूद, भारत के कई जिलों में भूख और कुपोषण एक चुनौती है। क्यों? विश्लेषण करें। Introduction: Post economic reforms of 1991, India achieved higher economic growth reaching . . . Read more

Day 22 – Q 1.Examine the factors behind poor learning outcomes in India. How can this be addressed? Discuss.

1. Examine the factors behind poor learning outcomes in India. How can this be addressed? Discuss.   भारत में दयनीय शिक्षा के परिणामों के पीछे कारकों की जांच करें। इसे कैसे सही किया जा सकता है? चर्चा करें। INTRODUCTION The goals of learning according to UNESCO are learning to know, . . . Read more