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Day 19

All the articles in Day 19

Day 19 – Q 5.Why do so many students commit suicide each year? What is wrong with our education system? How can we address it? Discuss.

5. Why do so many students commit suicide each year? What is wrong with our education system? How can we address it? Discuss.   हर साल इतने छात्र आत्महत्या क्यों करते हैं? हमारी शिक्षा प्रणाली में क्या गलत है? इसे कैसे संबोधित कर सकते हैं? चर्चा करें। Introduction:  According to the . . . Read more

Day 19 – Q 4.Should a person’s perception of right or wrong be based on societal norms? Critically comment.

4. Should a person’s perception of right or wrong be based on societal norms? Critically comment.   क्या किसी व्यक्ति की सही या गलत की धारणा सामाजिक मानदंडों पर आधारित होनी चाहिए? समालोचनात्मक टिप्पणी करें। Introduction A person develops his perception based on a number of factors and is necessary for . . . Read more

Day 19 – Q 3.Are social norms and values changing in the age of social media? Does it have ethical repercussions for the society? Critically examine.

3. Are social norms and values changing in the age of social media? Does it have ethical repercussions for the society? Critically examine.  क्या सोशल मीडिया के युग में सामाजिक मानदंड और मूल्य बदल रहे हैं? क्या यह सामाजिक नैतिकता को प्रभावित करता है? समालोचनात्मक जांच करें। Introduction: Social norms are . . . Read more

Day 19 – Q 2.What impact does the decline of family as an institution have on the value system of the society? Analyse.

2. What impact does the decline of family as an institution have on the value system of the society? Analyse.  एक संस्था के रूप में परिवार के क्षीण होने का समाज के मूल्य प्रणाली पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ता है? विश्लेषण करें। Introduction Family is regarded as a major social institution . . . Read more

Day 19 – Q 1.What changes can be introduced in the curricula of schools and colleges to inculcate values in students? Suggest.

1. What changes can be introduced in the curricula of schools and colleges to inculcate values in students? Suggest.    स्कूलों और कॉलेजों के पाठ्यक्रम में छात्रों में मूल्यों को बढ़ाने के लिए क्या बदलाव लाए जा सकते हैं? सुझाव दें। Introduction: Education is a powerful instrument of social change and . . . Read more