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Day 58

All the articles in Day 58

Day 58 – Q 5.What are your views on cross border immigration into India? Should India allow cross border immigrants to stay? Substantiate your views.

5. What are your views on cross border immigration into India? Should India allow cross border immigrants to stay? Substantiate your views.  भारत में सीमा पार आप्रवासन पर आपके क्या विचार हैं? क्या भारत को सीमा पार प्रवासियों को रहने देना चाहिए? अपने विचारों सारगर्भित कीजिये। Introduction: An illegal immigrant in . . . Read more

Day 58 – Q 4.What governing standards from the corporate world can be emulated in the government and vice versa? Suggest.

4. What governing standards from the corporate world can be emulated in the government and vice versa? Suggest.  सरकार कॉर्पोरेट जगत को एक दुसरे से कौन से शासकीय मानकों का अनुकरण करना चाहिए? सुझाव दें। Introduction: Employment processes and standards in both corporate world and under the government have their . . . Read more

Day 58 – Q 3.Should global institutions interfere in the internal affairs of a country if there are allegations of human rights violations? Substantiate your viewpoint.

3. Should global institutions interfere in the internal affairs of a country if there are allegations of human rights violations? Substantiate your viewpoint.  यदि मानवाधिकारों के उल्लंघन के आरोप हैं, तो क्या वैश्विक संस्थानों को किसी देश के आंतरिक मामलों में हस्तक्षेप करना चाहिए? अपने दृष्टिकोण का सारगर्भित कीजिये। Introduction: Humanity . . . Read more

Day 58 – Q 2.From the moral standpoint, comment upon the ongoing pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong.

2. From the moral standpoint, comment upon the ongoing pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong.  नैतिक दृष्टिकोण से, हांगकांग में चल रहे लोकतंत्र समर्थक विरोध पर आपके क्या विचार हैं? Introduction: Hong Kong is situated on the southeast coast of China, Hong Kong’s strategic location on the Pearl River Delta and the . . . Read more

Day 58 – Q 1.Can code of ethics strengthen ethical and moral values in governance? Critically examine.

1. Can code of ethics strengthen ethical and moral values in governance? Critically examine.  क्या नैतिक संहिता शासन में नैतिक मूल्यों को मजबूत कर सकती है? समालोचनात्मक से जांच करें। Introduction: A code of ethics document may outline the mission and values of the business or organization, how professionals are . . . Read more