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Day 60

All the articles in Day 60

Day 60 – Q 5.Can technology alone address the problems related to utilisation of public funds in India? Critically examine.

5. Can technology alone address the problems related to utilisation of public funds in India? Critically examine. .  क्या भारत में सार्वजनिक धन के उपयोग से संबंधित समस्याओं का समाधान अकेले प्रौद्योगिकी कर सकती है? समालोचनात्मक जांच करें। Introduction: The expenditure of the central government has increased from Rs 3.3 . . . Read more

Day 60 – Q 4.The government, through the Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, has substantially increased the penalty for traffic rule violations.What is your opinion of this step? We lack basic facilities including good roads and related services. Is it not unethical on part of the government to have done this? Comment.

4. The government, through the Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, has substantially increased the penalty for traffic rule violations.What is your opinion of this step? We lack basic facilities including good roads and related services. Is it not unethical on part of the government to have done this? Comment.  मोटर वाहन . . . Read more

Day 60 – Q 3.What is a citizen charter? Does it really ad any value to the organisational work culture? Critically examine.

3. What is a citizen charter? Does it really ad any value to the organisational work culture? Critically examine.  नागरिक चार्टर क्या है? क्या यह वास्तव में संगठनात्मक कार्य संस्कृति के मूल्यों में वृद्धि करता है? समालोचनात्मक जांच करें। Introduction: The citizen’s charter is a written, voluntary declaration by service providers . . . Read more

Day 60 – Q 2.Would you support the idea of legally enforceable code of ethics for bureaucrats and politicians? Substantiate your views.

2. Would you support the idea of legally enforceable code of ethics for bureaucrats and politicians? Substantiate your views.  क्या आप नौकरशाहों और राजनेताओं के लिए नैतिक रूप से लागू करने योग्य संहिता के विचार का समर्थन करेंगे? अपने विचारों को सारगर्भित करें। Introduction: Code of ethics represents certain values . . . Read more

Day 60 – Q 1.The Right to Information forms the philosophical core of transparent governance. Elucidate.

1. The Right to Information forms the philosophical core of transparent governance. Elucidate.  सूचना का अधिकार पारदर्शी शासन का दार्शनिक आधार है। स्पष्ट करें। Introduction: Right to Information (RTI) Act has played role in ensuring transparency and accountability in the administration, empowering people with information and increase their participation in . . . Read more