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Day 45 – Q 3. What are the ways to ensure accountability of civil servants? How does accountability help in reducing corruption?

3. What are the ways to ensure accountability of civil servants? How does accountability help in reducing corruption?

सिविल सेवकों की जवाबदेही सुनिश्चित करने के तरीके क्या हैं? भ्रष्टाचार को कम करने में जवाबदेही कैसे मदद करती है?


Accountability can broadly be defined as the obligation of those holding power to take responsibility and be held answerable for their behaviour and actions.


Measures to ensure accountability

  1. Improve transparency around the feasibility of major projects: Make use of technology to digitise the information pertaining to major projects and fix deadlines for projects.
  2. Clarify what public services citizens get for their money: Strengthen the citizen charter at every major department and also make the utilisation of funds received by every department and how they have been spent every year transparent
  3. Reward   for excellent work and review for failures: Promotion need to be based on excellent work done and not on basis of seniority. Also failures to achieve goals need to be accounted.
  4. Mandatory Social Auditing:  States like Meghalaya have adopted social audit law, should be extended  pan India
  5. Instil code of ethics among civil servants in line of  code of conduct
  6. Clear delegation of roles and responsibilities with commensurate powers and resources: There needs to be a clear basis upon which specific roles and activities are assigned to specific levels of the system. Second, the delegation of roles and responsibilities must be accompanied by the delegation of resources that would allow functionaries to fulfil their roles. In the absence of this, delegation could end up confounding rather than strengthening accountability.

Accountability   help reducing corruption

  1. Timely delivery of services: Citizen is aware about timeline of service delivery and demand answers in case of discrepancies.
  2. Social   audit by citizens make them aware of any misallocation of funds.
  3. RTI act has helped in bringing many discrepancy of information to public


Thus accountability is very necessary to weed out corruption and ensure the lives of citizen are improved  

Best Answer: P29

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