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All the articles in Environment

Day 73 – Q 5.What are the ecological hazards that the Aravali has been exposed to by illegal mining? Discuss.

5. What are the ecological hazards that the Aravali has been exposed to by illegal mining? Discuss.  अवैध खनन द्वारा अरावली पर होने वाले पारिस्थितिक खतरे क्या हैं? चर्चा करें। Introduction: Recently, The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has sent a notice to the governments of Haryana and Rajasthan on . . . Read more

Day 73 – Q 4.Examine the adverse impacts of excessive sand mining on the river ecosystem.

4. Examine the adverse impacts of excessive sand mining on the river ecosystem.  नदी पारिस्थितिक तंत्र पर अत्यधिक रेत खनन के प्रतिकूल प्रभावों की जांच करें। Introduction: Sand mining is a practice that is used to extract sand, from various environments, such as beaches, inland dunes and dredged from ocean . . . Read more

Day 73 – Q 3.What are the man made factors leading to the melting of ice in the Arctic region? Do you think exploration of the Arctic region for resources is environmentally sustainable in the long run? Comment.

3. What are the man made factors leading to the melting of ice in the Arctic region? Do you think exploration of the Arctic region for resources is environmentally sustainable in the long run? Comment.  आर्कटिक क्षेत्र में बर्फ के पिघलने के कारण मानव निर्मित कारक कौन से हैं? क्या . . . Read more

Day 73 – Q 2.How is excessive plastic use impacting the marine ecosystem? What are its adverse effects on marine biodiversity? Discuss.

2. How is excessive plastic use impacting the marine ecosystem? What are its adverse effects on marine biodiversity? Discuss.  अत्यधिक प्लास्टिक का उपयोग समुद्री पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र को कैसे प्रभावित करता है? समुद्री जैव विविधता पर इसके प्रतिकूल प्रभाव क्या हैं? चर्चा करें। Introduction: As per IUCN report, over 300 million metric . . . Read more

Day 73 – Q 1.Why is North India affected by worst air quality during November-December every year? Discuss the cause. What short term and long term measures can be taken to address this problem? Suggest.

1. Why is North India affected by worst air quality during November-December every year? Discuss the cause. What short term and long term measures can be taken to address this problem? Suggest.   उत्तर भारत हर साल नवंबर–दिसंबर के दौरान सबसे खराब वायु गुणवत्ता से क्यों प्रभावित होता है? कारण पर . . . Read more

Day 72 – Q 5.Do you think desertification is an ecological hazard? Examine. What are the man made factors leading to desertification? Discuss.

5. Do you think desertification is an ecological hazard? Examine. What are the man made factors leading to desertification? Discuss.  क्या आपको लगता है कि मरुस्थलीकरण एक पारिस्थितिक खतरा है? जांच करें। मनुष्य ने किन कारकों को मरुस्थलीकरण के लिए प्रेरित किया है? चर्चा करें। Introduction: Desertification is a type . . . Read more

Day 72 – Q 4.Identify the most polluted stretches of the Ganga and its tributaries. What are the factors contributing to the massive pollution along these stretches? Discuss.

4. Identify the most polluted stretches of the Ganga and its tributaries. What are the factors contributing to the massive pollution along these stretches? Discuss.  गंगा और उसकी सहायक नदियों के सबसे प्रदूषित हिस्सों की पहचान करें। इन हिस्सों में बड़े पैमाने पर प्रदूषण में योगदान करने वाले कारक क्या . . . Read more

Day 72 – Q 3.What are the existing threats to the mountain ecosystem in India? Discuss. Suggest a sustainable strategy to maintain the ecological integrity of mountains.

3. What are the existing threats to the mountain ecosystem in India? Discuss. Suggest a sustainable strategy to maintain the ecological integrity of mountains.  भारत में पर्वतीय पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र के लिए मौजूदा खतरे क्या हैं? चर्चा करें। पहाड़ों की पारिस्थितिक अखंडता को बनाए रखने के लिए एक स्थायी रणनीति का . . . Read more

Day 72 – Q 2.What is land degradation? What are the most common factors that lead to land degradation? How does land degradation affect the livelihood prospects of the poor? Discuss.

2. What is land degradation? What are the most common factors that lead to land degradation? How does land degradation affect the livelihood prospects of the poor? Discuss.  भूमि क्षरण क्या है? भूमि क्षरण के सबसे आम कारक क्या हैं? भूमि क्षरण गरीबों की आजीविका की संभावनाओं को कैसे प्रभावित . . . Read more

Day 72 – Q 1.What is open cast mining? How does it affect the land? What are the alternatives to open cast mining? Discuss.

1. What is open cast mining? How does it affect the land? What are the alternatives to open cast mining? Discuss. ओपन कास्ट माइनिंग क्या है? यह भूमि को कैसे प्रभावित करता है? ओपन कास्ट माइनिंग के विकल्प क्या हैं? चर्चा करें। Introduction: Open-cast mining is a surface mining technique . . . Read more