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Day 02

All the articles in Day 02

Day 2 – Q 5.The Supreme Court has played an important role in reinventing the Directive Principles of State Policy. Examine.

5. The Supreme Court has played an important role in reinventing the Directive Principles of State Policy. Examine.     सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने राज्य नीति के निर्देशक सिद्धांतों को पुनर्निर्मित करने में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई है। जांच करें। Approach Explain a line or two about what are DPSP In body . . . Read more

Day 2 – Q 4.Examine the role played by the judiciary in addressing the concern for the right to freedom of religion.

4. Examine the role played by the judiciary in addressing the concern for the right to freedom of religion.  धर्म की स्वतंत्रता के अधिकार से समबन्धित मामलों को संबोधित करने में न्यायपालिका द्वारा निभाई गई भूमिका की जांच करें। Approach Introduction – You can write about the relevant articles mentioned . . . Read more

Day 2 – Q 3.Constitutional guarantee for gender equality remains vacuous independent of complementary value systems. Comment.

3. Constitutional guarantee for gender equality remains vacuous independent of complementary value systems. Comment.   लिंग समानता के लिए संवैधानिक गारंटी पूरक मूल्य प्रणाली के बिना निरर्थक है। टिप्पणी करें। Introduction: Gender equality is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic . . . Read more

Day 2 – Q 2.What were the salient features of the 1992 Indra Sawhney judgement? How did it shape the subsequent reservation policy in India? Examine.

2. What were the salient features of the 1992 Indra Sawhney judgement? How did it shape the subsequent reservation policy in India? Examine. 1992 इंद्र सावनी के फैसले की मुख्य विशेषताएं क्या थीं? भारत में आने वाली आरक्षण नीति को कैसे आकार दिया? जांच करें। Approach Divide the question in . . . Read more

Day 2 – Q 1.Does in your opinion the basic structure doctrine undermine parliamentary sovereignty? Critically examine.

1. Does in your opinion the basic structure doctrine undermine parliamentary sovereignty? Critically examine. क्या आपकी राय में मूल संरचना सिद्धांत संसदीय संप्रभुता को कमजोर करता है? समालोचनात्मक जांच करें। Introduction Basic structure as a doctrine was devised by supreme court in Kesavananda Bharati case on April 24th 1973. This . . . Read more