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Day 54

All the articles in Day 54

Day 54 – Q 5. Enumerate the security threats imposed by misuse of communication networks and social media.

5. Enumerate the security threats imposed by misuse of communication networks and social media.    संचार नेटवर्क और सोशल मीडिया के दुरूपयोग से उत्पन्न होने वाले सुरक्षा खतरों की जाँच करें। Introduction Smartphone and internet usage in India is set to massively swell in the next four years. By 2022, there . . . Read more

Day 54 – Q 4. What do you understand by benami transactions? How does it operate?

4. What do you understand by benami transactions? How does it operate?   बेनामी लेनदेन से आप क्या समझते हैं? यह कैसे संचालित होता है? Introduction Benami Transaction, in common parlance, refers to a transaction in which a property is transferred in the name of a person, whereas the consideration for . . . Read more

Day 54 – Q 3. How does social media lead to youth radicalisation? Examine the modus operandi?

3. How does social media lead to youth radicalisation? Examine the modus operandi? सोशल मीडिया युवाओं के कट्टरता की ओर कैसे ले जाता है? मोडस ऑपरेंडी की जांच करें। Introduction: In today’s digitized world, People are well connected than ever before thanks to Mobile phones and internet penetration. With usage . . . Read more

Day 54 – Q 2. What is parallel economy? What are its implications for the internal security scenario? Discuss.

2. What is parallel economy? What are its implications for the internal security scenario? Discuss. समानांतर अर्थव्यवस्था क्या है? आंतरिक सुरक्षा परिदृश्य के लिए इसके निहितार्थ क्या हैं? चर्चा करें। Introduction Left Wing extremism, North-east insurgencies and Jammu & Kashmir crisis are three of the most critical internal security issues . . . Read more

Day 54 – Q 1. How severe is the problem of fake news in India? How can it be tackled?

1. How severe is the problem of fake news in India? How can it be tackled?      भारत में फर्जी खबरों की समस्या कितनी गंभीर है? इससे कैसे निपटा जा सकता है? Introduction: Fake news, or hoax news, refers to false information or propaganda published under the guise of being . . . Read more