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Day 42

All the articles in Day 42

Day 42 – Q 5.Critically evaluate the status, challenges and opportunities for women entrepreneurs in India.

5. Critically evaluate the status, challenges and opportunities for women entrepreneurs in India.  भारत में महिला उद्यमियों के लिए स्थिति, चुनौतियों और अवसरों का समालोचनात्मक मूल्यांकन करें। Introduction: Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent and women entrepreneurship is the most unexplored part of the economy, especially in developing . . . Read more

Day 42 – Q 4.With the evolving public policy discourse in India, the role of women and women organisations has gained much traction as a factor essential for the success of any scheme/ project. Illustrate with the help of suitable examples.

4. With the evolving public policy discourse in India, the role of women and women organisations has gained much traction as a factor essential for the success of any scheme/ project. Illustrate with the help of suitable examples.   भारत में विकसित सार्वजनिक नीति प्रवचन के साथ, महिलाओं और महिला संगठनों . . . Read more

Day 42 – Q 3.Why is sexual violence against women a recurring and pervasive societal reality in India? Analyse.

3. Why is sexual violence against women a recurring and pervasive societal reality in India? Analyse.  भारत में महिलाओं के खिलाफ यौन हिंसा एक आवर्ती और व्यापक सामाजिक वास्तविकता क्यों है? विश्लेषण करें। Introduction: India has been named the most dangerous country in the world for women in a recent . . . Read more

Day 42 – Q 2.What are your views on the Sabarimala temple controversy? Should equal rights for women be given precedence over age old tradition? Substantiate.

2. What are your views on the Sabarimala temple controversy? Should equal rights for women be given precedence over age old tradition? Substantiate.  सबरीमाला मंदिर विवाद पर आपके क्या विचार हैं? क्या सदियों पुरानी परंपरा पर महिलाओं को समान अधिकार दिया जाना चाहिए? पुष्टी करें। Introduction: Sabarimala Temple controversy is . . . Read more

Day 42 – Q 1.What do you understand by gender stereotyping? What are its socio-socio-economic implications? Examine.

1. What do you understand by gender stereotyping? What are its socio-socio-economic implications? Examine.  जेंडर स्टीरियोटाइपिंग से आप क्या समझते हैं? इसके सामाजिक–आर्थिक निहितार्थ क्या हैं? जांच करें। Introduction: Stereotype is a generalized view or preconception about attributes or characteristics that are or ought to be possessed by members of . . . Read more