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Day 61

All the articles in Day 61

Day 61 – Q 5.How are global IT giants like Google and Facebook affecting the lives of common Indians? Illustrate.

5. How are global IT giants like Google and Facebook affecting the lives of common Indians? Illustrate.   गूगल और फेसबुक जैसे वैश्विक आईटी दिग्गज आम भारतीयों के जीवन को कैसे प्रभावित कर रहे हैं? उदाहरण देकर स्पष्ट करें। Introduction: Internet and IT sector has revolutionised the life of common people. . . . Read more

Day 61 – Q 4.Do you agree with the assertion that India has gained much less as compared to her western counterparts in the process of globalisation? Substantiate your views.

4. Do you agree with the assertion that India has gained much less as compared to her western counterparts in the process of globalisation? Substantiate your views.  क्या आप इस बात से सहमत हैं कि वैश्वीकरण की प्रक्रिया में भारत को अपने पश्चिमी समकक्षों की तुलना में बहुत कम प्राप्त . . . Read more

Day 61 – Q 3.India’s global diaspora is a diverse and a well spread out community. In what ways their links to the motherland affect the local economy and society? Analyse.

3. India’s global diaspora is a diverse and a well spread out community. In what ways their links to the motherland affect the local economy and society? Analyse.     भारत का वैश्विक प्रवासी एक विविध और एक अच्छी तरह से फैला हुआ समुदाय है। किस तरह से मातृभूमि के लिए उनके . . . Read more

Day 61 – Q 2.Do you think outward international tourism from India has increased substantially in recent years? Examine. What are its overall effects on Indian society?

2. Do you think outward international tourism from India has increased substantially in recent years? Examine. What are its overall effects on Indian society? क्या आपको लगता है कि हाल के वर्षों में भारत से बाहरी अंतरराष्ट्रीय पर्यटन में काफी वृद्धि हुई है? जांच करें।  भारतीय समाज पर इसके समग्र . . . Read more

Day 61 – Q 1. How is access to global content on entertainment through platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime transforming the cultural understanding of the Indian youth? Examine.

1. How is access to global content on entertainment through platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime transforming the cultural understanding of the Indian youth? Examine.    नेटफ्लिक्स और अमेज़ॅन प्राइम जैसे प्लेटफार्मों के माध्यम से मनोरंजन पर वैश्विक सामग्री की पहुंच भारतीय युवाओं की सांस्कृतिक समझ को कैसे बदल रही है? . . . Read more