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Day 12 – Q 1.Having multiple ministries and departments at the centre doesn’t augur well to the vision of ‘minimum government, maximum governance’. Comment.

1. Having multiple ministries and departments at the centre doesn’t augur well to the vision of ‘minimum government, maximum governance’. Comment.  

केंद्र में कई मंत्रालयों और विभागों का होना ‘न्यूनतम सरकार, अधिकतम सुशासन’ की दृष्टि से अच्छा नहीं है। टिप्पणी करें।


  • Introduction- Explain the concept of ‘minimum government, maximum governance’.
  • Issues in having multiple ministries and departments- Needs to covered comprehensively.
  • Steps taken by present government in line with the principle.
  • How far it is true that having multiple ministries/departments leads to minimum government, maximum governance.
  • Conclusion- A balanced approach needs to be adopted.


‘Minimum government, maximum governance’ is the dictum the present government has been professing since it came to power. It refers to reducing the role of government where it is in excess (minimum government) and making a citizen friendly and accountable government (maximum governance).
The objective is to make government efficient and inclusive, reduce red-tapism thereby improving ease of doing business etc.

Issues in having multiple ministries and departments:

  • Duplication of work
  • Wastage of public money
  • Inefficiency as the work doesn’t gets demarcated clearly. This results into lack of accountability.
  • Lack of coordination results into delays and red-tapism.
  • Hinders the process of service delivery to citizens.

Steps taken in this regard by present government:

  • Merger of external affairs ministry and overseas affair ministry.
  • Merger of ministry of urban development with ministry of housing and poverty alleviation.
  • Abolition of FIPB.

Multiple ministries versus ‘minimum government, maximum governance’:

Given the disadvantages mentioned above, multiple ministries/departments do leads to maximum government. However, the two things aren’t one and the same.
At times having multiple departments helps in better analysis of policy and its implementation. Also, given the diversity and size of country having multiple departments helps in horizontal division of power, thereby, reducing work burden.


The overall objective should be to reduce duplicity, streamline the work process, improve synergy, through exchange of information/data, between various departments within a ministry. The bureaucrats too need to work in tandem so that the coordinated efforts result into productive results. Departments and ministries with overlapping jurisdiction should be merged, but it should not be the only agenda.

Best answer 1: vipasaha parul

Best answer 2: Free_kick123

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