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Day 32 – Q 4.What do you understand by the policies of ‘glasnost’ and ‘perestroika’. Examine their effects on the economic, social and political spheres of life in the Soviet Union.

4. What do you understand by the policies of ‘glasnost’ and ‘perestroika’. Examine their effects on the economic, social and political spheres of life in the Soviet Union. 

‘ग्लासनोस्ट’ और ‘पेस्ट्रोका’ की नीतियों से आप क्या समझते हैं। सोवियत संघ में जीवन के आर्थिक, सामाजिक और राजनीतिक क्षेत्रों पर इनके प्रभावों की जांच करें।


Mikhail Gorbachev came out with the policies of ‘perestroika’ and ‘glasnost’ to reform distraught Soviet Union and to democratise communist party.


Perestroika refers to the reconstruction of the political and economic system established by the Communist Party.

  • Politically, contested elections were introduced to reflect the democratic practices of Western society and allow citizens to have a slight say in government.
  • Economically, Perestroika called for de-monopolization and some semi-private businesses to function, ending the price controls established by the government for the past seven decades. The goal was to create a semi-free market system, reflecting successful capitalist practices in the economies of Germany, Japan, and the United States.

The term Glasnost means “openness” and was the name for the social and political reforms to bestow more rights and freedoms upon the Soviet people. Its goals were to include more people in the political process through freedom of expression.

Though both reforms looked progressive, they had unintended consequences in

Economic sphere:

Permitting individual enterprise, devolving more powers to factories, and legalizing cooperatives resulted into increased investments. However, it also produced unintended consequences. The reforms had succeeded in abandoning the old system without implementing in its place a feasible new economic system. Price levels were unpredictable, some displaying the participation of government and some reflected what consumers would pay. Declining production, shortages and inflation were consequences.

Political sphere:

  • Introduction of popular vote concept resulted into defeat of many communist leaders. Thus, loosened grip of communist party over government.
  • Sinatra doctrine fuelled regional aspirations with countries like Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia seeking independent statehood.

Social sphere:

  • Freedom of expression led to decreased censoring of the media, which in effect allowed writers and journalists to expose news of government corruption and the depressed condition of the Soviet people. Thus, social unrest grew among the people.


The effects of reforms were mixed; while more social freedoms were permitted, the economy was in deterioration and social unrest was growing among the people. Thus, Glasnost and Perestroika eventually helped cause the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.

Best Answer: Aishwarya Singh

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