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Day 13 – Q 1. Examine the correlation between plate tectonics and earthquakes.

1. Examine the correlation between plate tectonics and earthquakes.

प्लेट टेक्क्टोनिक्स और भूकंप के बीच सहसंबंध की जांच करें।


An earthquake is the shaking of the surface of the Earth, resulting from the sudden release of energy in the Earth‘s lithosphere that creates seismic waves


The earth’s lithosphere composed of seven major plates and many minor plates. Plate tectonics is a scientific theory describing the large-scale motion of these minor and major plates. Plate motions create plate boundaries. Each dynamic activity of earth is developed at plate boundaries including earthquakes.

Distribution of earthquake along plate boundaries is as follows

  1. Divergent Plate boundary – This happens when two plates move away from each other. Due to this, the energy from beneath finds way to come out striking earthquake along the rift. This creates shallow focus earthquake.

For eg mid-Atlantic ridge

  1. Convergent plate boundary – When two plates collide, the impact leads to violent shaking and results in powerful and deep focus earthquakes. Eg – Himalayas, Andes.

  1. Transform plate boundary – Plates slid past each other .Due to this rocks rub against each other creating fracture. This is side of intermediate focus earth quake. For eg San andreas fault.


Even though earthquake being disaster for mankind but incidence of earthquake beneath the oceans help to understand seafloor expansion with respect to plate tectonics. Also, concentration of earthquake in particular zone helps us to identify the nature, speed and direction of plate. This it holds huge significance in form of plate boundaries.

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