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Day 45 – Q 1.With less than 1% of total vehicles of the world, India accounts for the highest number of fatalities related to road accidents. Why? Examine. What are the smart solutions to address this challenge? Suggest.

1. With less than 1% of total vehicles of the world, India accounts for the highest number of fatalities related to road accidents. Why? Examine. What are the smart solutions to address this challenge? Suggest. 

दुनिया के कुल वाहनों के 1% से कम होने के बावजूद, भारत में सड़क दुर्घटनाओं से संबंधित सबसे अधिक संख्या में मौतें होती हैं। क्यों? जांच करें। इस चुनौती का समाधान करने के लिए स्मार्ट समाधान क्या हैं? सुझाव दें।


Over millions Indian lost their life in road accidents in last decade. From 2008, India is has recorded highest number of death due to road accident in the world. WHO estimates that these accident amounts to economic loss of 3 percent of GDP. ‘Road Accidents in India-2018’ report, informed that a total of 467044 road accidents were reported in the year 2018.


India accounts for the highest number of fatalities related to road accidents due to following reasons – 

  • Faulty road design and poor engineering such as sharp curves, single lane etc.
  • Improper public transport often leading to neglect of safety such as overloading.
  • Poor road conditions with potholes and blind spots. In 2016, government identified 76 black spots in different National Highways and tried to fix them.
  • Use of poor building materials and construction.
  • Climatic condition such fog in winter in northern India, heavy rainfall and dust storm often reduces visibility causes road accidents
  • Weak vehicle safety design even in top selling cars of India, most of which fails to withstand crash test. 
  • Lobbying by transport unions, car industry to stop government to bring better legislation for improving car safety etc as this comes against their economic interest.
  • Negligence on part of driver by over speeding, drunken driving, riding without helmet, driving without seatbelts etc  
  • Late action of government in adoption Brasilia declaration, bringing amendment in motor vehicles act, has already delayed our efforts.

Smart solutions to address this challenge 

In order to reduce road accident by more than 50 percent, staying committed to Brasilia declaration, we must think innovatively and apply smart solutions. 

  • Use of smart trafficking, better lighting, 3-D speed breakers etc.
  • Improvement of public transport, metro and other safer mobility option should be encouraged. India should move towards automated vehicles to reduce manual errors.
  • Bettering vehicle design, safety features, use of new sensors, on board analytics that can provide drivers with real time suggestions.
  • Enhancing the capability of police to check over speeding and neglect of traffic rules through digital technology such as CCTVs, laser speed gun etc.
  • For pedestrian safety and cyclists mobility, such as sidewalks, bike paths, bike lane should be maintained.
  • Strict implementation of traffic rules such as Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act.  
  • Civil society should work for not only behavioural change of masses but also to demand attention of government on road safety.


India loses 3% of its GDP due to road accidents, most of which are preventable. The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India has announced the observance of 30th Road Safety Week Campaign from 4th to 10th February 2019. These steps must be implemented with utmost urgency to make road safe for the citizens. 

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