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All the articles in Agriculture

Day 43 – Q 4.Do you think various agricultural extension schemes make a difference for Indian farmers? Substantiate with the help of suitable examples.

4. Do you think various agricultural extension schemes make a difference for Indian farmers? Substantiate with the help of suitable examples.  क्या आपको लगता है कि विभिन्न कृषि सूचना एवं ज्ञान योजनाएं भारतीय किसानों के लिए सकरात्मक अंतर पैदा कर पाती हैं? उपयुक्त उदाहरणों की मदद से पुष्ट करें। Introduction: . . . Read more

Day 43 – Q 3.Why is drylands farming significant for Indian farmers? Enumerate various ways to make drylands farming more productive and profitable.

3. Why is drylands farming significant for Indian farmers? Enumerate various ways to make drylands farming more productive and profitable.  फसल के बाद की प्रौद्योगिकियां क्या हैं? भारतीय किसानों के लिए उनके महत्व की जांच करें। Synopsis: Dry farming or Dry Land Farming refers to an improved system of cultivation . . . Read more

Day 43 – Q 2.What are post harvest technologies? Examine their significance for Indian farmers.

2. What are post harvest technologies? Examine their significance for Indian farmers.   भाषाई विविधता सामाजिक संघर्ष का स्रोत कैसे हो सकती है? इसे कैसे संबोधित किया जा सकता है? जांच करें। Approach: Introduction- A brief on post-harvest technologies. Present status with regards to post harvest technologies in India. Significance . . . Read more

Day 43 – Q 1.Examine the ways and measures to reduce vulnerability of farmers from crop and market failure.

1. Examine the ways and measures to reduce vulnerability of farmers from crop and market failure.  फसल और बाजार की विफलता से किसानों की भेद्यता को कम करने के तरीकों और उपायों की जांच करें। Introduction: Agriculture employs around 47% of workforce. This population is highly vulnerable due to number . . . Read more

Day 12 – Q 4.Dairy farming can’t sustain itself without a vibrant livestock processing industry. Comment.

4. Dairy farming can’t sustain itself without a vibrant livestock processing industry. Comment. डेयरी फार्मिंग एक जीवंत पशुधन प्रसंस्करण उद्योग के बिना खुद को सतत बनाए नहीं रख सकती है। टिप्पणी करें। Synopsis India is one of the largest dairy producers in the world. It also provides employment to about . . . Read more

Day 2 – Q 5. In India, 12 million young people enter the labour force each year, and millions transfer out of low productivity agricultural jobs. To ensure that such individuals get gainful employment is a mammoth challenge. Discuss the measures to tackle this challenge.

5. In India, 12 million young people enter the labour force each year, and millions transfer out of low productivity agricultural jobs. To ensure that such individuals get gainful employment is a mammoth challenge. Discuss the measures to tackle this challenge. में, 12 मिलियन युवा लोग हर साल श्रम . . . Read more