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Day 09

All the articles in Day 09

Day 9 – Q 5.Why are so many start up companies located in the Silicon Valley? Examine.

5. Why are so many start up companies located in the Silicon Valley? Examine.   सिलिकॉन वैली में इतनी सारी स्टार्ट अप कंपनियां क्यों शुरू हो रही हैं? जांच करें। Approach Introduction – you can write about the location of Silicon Valley. Body –write about what makes Silicon Valley a . . . Read more

Day 9 – Q 4.Examine the locational pattern of heavy industries in India. Take suitable examples.

4. Examine the locational pattern of heavy industries in India. Take suitable examples.   भारत में भारी उद्योगों के स्थानीय पैटर्न की जांच करें। उपयुक्त उदाहरण लें। Introduction: Industries, which use heavy and bulky raw materials and produce products of the same category, are called heavy industries. Heavy industries include . . . Read more

Day 9 – Q 3.Examine the factors that have led to the changing pattern of distribution of textile sector?

3. Examine the factors that have led to the changing pattern of distribution of textile sector?   उन कारकों की जांच करें जिनके कारण कपड़ा उद्योग के वितरण पैटर्न में बदलाव आये है? Approach: Keywords in this question are, “Examine”, “factors, Changing pattern of distribution…” With the advancement in technology, . . . Read more

Day 9 – Q 2.What is outsourcing? What purpose does it serve? Which countries are the major destinations for outsourcing and why?

2. What is outsourcing? What purpose does it serve? Which countries are the major destinations for outsourcing and why? आउटसोर्सिंग क्या है? इससे कौन सा उद्देश्य पूरा होता है? आउटसोर्सिंग के लिए कौन से देश प्रमुख स्थान हैं और क्यों? Introduction: Outsourcing is the business practice of hiring a party outside . . . Read more

Day 9 – Q 1.What do you understand by the quinary sector? Where would you find the maximum concentration of the quinary sector?

1. What do you understand by the quinary sector? Where would you find the maximum concentration of the quinary sector?   आप क्विनरी सेक्टर से क्या समझते हैं? आपको क्विनरी सेक्टर की अधिकतम घनत्व कहां मिलेगी? Synopsis: Some economists subdivide the quaternary sector into the quinary sector, which includes the . . . Read more