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Day 44

All the articles in Day 44

Day 44 – Q 5.Does it make more sense for the government to lay more emphasis on women and child development to ensure overall socio-economic transformation. Do you agree? Substantiate.

5. Does it make more sense for the government to lay more emphasis on women and child development to ensure overall socio-economic transformation. Do you agree? Substantiate.   क्या समग्र सामाजिक–आर्थिक परिवर्तन सुनिश्चित करने के लिए सरकार द्वारा महिलाओं और बाल विकास पर अधिक जोर देना एक उपयुक्त निति नहीं है? . . . Read more

Day 44 – Q 4.What do you understand by ‘social capital’? Examine its significance for a diverse country like India. Isn’t social capital imperative for development? Examine.

4. What do you understand by ‘social capital’? Examine its significance for a diverse country like India. Isn’t social capital imperative for development? Examine.   ‘सामाजिक पूंजी‘ से आप क्या समझते हैं? भारत जैसे विविध देश के लिए इसके महत्व का परीक्षण करें। क्या विकास के लिए सामाजिक पूंजी अनिवार्य नहीं . . . Read more

Day 44 – Q 3.What are life cycle vulnerabilities and how do they lead to poverty? Explain. In this light, examine the need to have a developmental paradigm that focusses on addressing life cycle vulnerabilities. Elucidate.

3. What are life cycle vulnerabilities and how do they lead to poverty? Explain. In this light, examine the need to have a developmental paradigm that focusses on addressing life cycle vulnerabilities. Elucidate.  जीवन चक्र कमजोरियां क्या हैं और वे गरीबी की ओर कैसे ले जाती हैं? समझाएं। इस प्रकाश . . . Read more

Day 44 – Q 2.What do you understand by ‘gender budgeting’? Examine its significance in the Indian socio-economic context.

2. What do you understand by ‘gender budgeting’? Examine its significance in the Indian socio-economic context.   जेंडर बजटिंग से आप क्या समझते हैं? भारतीय सामाजिक–आर्थिक संदर्भ में इसके महत्व का परीक्षण करें। Introduction: Gender budgeting (GB) means preparing budgets or analyzing them from a gender perspective. Gender Budgeting is a . . . Read more

Day 44 – Q 1.How do instruments of social discrimination lead to poverty? Illustrate with the help of suitable examples.

1. How do instruments of social discrimination lead to poverty? Illustrate with the help of suitable examples.  सामाजिक भेदभाव के साधन कैसे गरीबी की ओर ले जाते हैं? उपयुक्त उदाहरणों की सहायता से चित्रण करें। Introduction: Social discrimination is sustained inequality and unfairness present between individuals in the society mainly . . . Read more