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Day 60

All the articles in Day 60

Day 60 – Q 5.With the help of suitable examples, discuss the various components of ethical governance.

5. With the help of suitable examples, discuss the various components of ethical governance.   उपयुक्त उदाहरणों की मदद से, नैतिक शासन के विभिन्न घटकों पर चर्चा करें। Introduction: Ethics is grounded in the notion of responsibility and accountability. In democracy, every holder of public office is accountable ultimately to the . . . Read more

Day 60 – Q 4.Suggest various means that can strengthen ethical and moral values in governance.

4. Suggest various means that can strengthen ethical and moral values in governance.  विभिन्न साधनों का सुझाव दें जो शासन में नैतिक और नैतिक मूल्यों को मजबूत कर सकें। Introduction: Ethical and moral values are essence of governance. Various ancient and modern texts has emphasised on ethical and moral values . . . Read more

Day 60 – Q 3.Are legal means like rules, regulations, advisories etc adequate to ensure ethical governance? Critically examine.

3. Are legal means like rules, regulations, advisories etc adequate to ensure ethical governance? Critically examine.   क्या नैतिक शासन सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कानूनी साधन जैसे नियम, कानून, सलाह आदि पर्याप्त हैं? समालोचनात्मक जांच करें। Introduction: Ethical governance denotes administrative measures procedures and policies that fulfil criteria required for the . . . Read more

Day 60 – Q 2.Too much accountability stifles decision making. Do you agree? Critically comment.

2. Too much accountability stifles decision making. Do you agree? Critically comment.  बहुत अधिक जवाबदेही निर्णय लेने में बाधा उत्पन्न करती है। क्या आप सहमत हैं? समालोचनात्मक टिप्पणी करें। Introduction: “Too little accountability creates monsters. Too much blame creates fools.” Accountability is an assurance that an individual or an organization . . . Read more

Day 60 – Q 1.How are accountability and ethical governance interrelated? Illustrate with the help of suitable examples.

1. How are accountability and ethical governance interrelated? Illustrate with the help of suitable examples.  जवाबदेही और नैतिक शासन परस्पर कैसे जुड़े हैं? उपयुक्त उदाहरणों की सहायता से चित्रण करें। Introduction: Accountability ensures those in position of power or decision making are held responsible and answerable for their actions. Ethics . . . Read more