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Day 5 – Q 2. To stick to one’s high moral standards and values in a highly immoral society is plain stupidity. Critically evaluate the statement.

2. To stick to one’s high moral standards and values in a highly immoral society is plain stupidity. Critically evaluate the statement.

2.एक बेहद अनैतिक समाज में किसी के उच्च नैतिक मानकों और मूल्यों से चिपकना मूर्खता है। इस कथन का समालोचनात्मक मूल्यांकन करें।


  • Introduction may include the meaning of moral values and why the today’s society is mentioned as ‘immoral’
  • Since the question demands critical evaluation, the body must include the problems faced by sticking to high moral standards and also arguments as to why it is necessary to stick to one’s moral standards
  • Conclusion has to be optimistic with emphasizing the need of being moral


Moral values are set of principles guiding us to evaluate what is right or wrong. They are the standards of good and evil, which govern an individual’s behaviour and choices.

Today’s fast-changing society seems to be ‘immoral’ because of rampant corruption, crony capitalism, self-interest driven attitude, political opportunism, a tendency of backstabbing etc.


In such a scenario, a person sticking to high moral values and standards may seem to be stupid. Because that person may bear the cost of being moral.

For instance,

  • Honest and non-corrupt civil servants who stick to high moral values often face quick transfers, harassment, threats etc.
  • Persons raising their voice against injustices of the society face social isolation. Social reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy faced criticism from conservatives.
  • Gandhiji, in his struggle for independence, faced flak because of his methods which involved moral persuasion, honesty (Satya) and non-violence (Ahimsa).
  • Alsooften societal terms are biased and guided by caste, religion, region, money etc. The best person always may not be rewarded and the one who must be punished may not get the punishment.

In our daily lives too, in some instances, we face problems when we adhere to our moral values and principles.

  • A person paying tax regularly may be economically disadvantaged to the one who evades it.
  • Student cheating in exam might get more marks than the honest student.
  • Honest farmers feel cheated when bank defaulters get away from the law.

In spite of such negative atmosphere, there are many people, who despite facing adversities, have been quite successful in their professional as well as personal lives.

  • One such example of our times is of APJ Abdul Kalam, who in his various capacities as a scientist, project chief, administrator, advisor and finally as the President could lead a successful life despite facing societal problems.
  • Gandhiji despite facing flak for adhering to high moral values and standards could prove his worthiness to the world and rest is history.
  • People like Narayan Murthy, Nandan Nilekani etc. have shown high corporate governance values despite being in highly competitive crony capitalist world.

Apart from these, there are innumerable people working in their respective fields, who hold their heads high because of their adherence to high moral values and work ethics. Such people are internally happy and have pride associated with their work. They act as an inspiration to others and society as a whole.


At the same time, it is necessary to be practical and cautious enough while taking decisions and doing any actions. Though moral values are required they must be well thought out and must be backed up by our conscience, so as to be relevant in the today’s fast-changing society.

As an old saying goes, “to be beautiful as a lotus one has to rise above the surrounding mud”. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to stick to high moral values and standards despite being in such negativity, ‘to bloom as a lotus’.

Best answer: parul jain

Omki Chamki

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