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Day 25 – Q 3.What do you understand by ‘utilitarianism’? Is is the right end of life for a civil servant? Examine.

3. What do you understand by ‘utilitarianism’? Is is the right end of life for a civil servant? Examine. 

‘उपयोगितावाद’ से आप क्या समझते हैं? क्या यह एक लोकसेवक के लिए जीवन का सही उद्देश्य है? जांच करें।


  • Introduction- Explain the concept of utilitarianism.
  • Utilitarianism and civil servants
  • Way forward


Utilitarianism is the doctrine that an action is right in so far as it promotes happiness, and that the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the guiding principle of conduct. The theory was propounded by John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham.

Civil servants and utilitarianism:

Right end of life for civil servants:

  • Following principle of greatest happiness for the greatest number of people help civil servants stick to policy implementation in true spirit as most of the policies are made based on utilitarianism principle.
  • It leads to maximum utilisation of resources.

Not always:

  • Greatest number of people may lead to ignorance of minority people. For safeguarding the rights of the minorities, it is necessary that the principle of deontology (doing one’s duty right) is followed. Utilitarianism tells us to promote happiness. Deontology tells us to do our duty.

Example- Bringing down of illegal shops run mostly by poor on road sides is in line with policy and also is good for maximum of people. However keeping in mind the livelihood needs of the poor, the demolition process should be such that enough time is provided to the poor so as to shift and if possible must be provided with an alternative.

  • At times following principle of utilitarianism may result into a civil servant taking bribe, following illegal path. Example- A civil servant may focus on end result, ensuring that his actions are leading to happiness for maximum. However, while doing so she may be taking bribe. Focusing on consequences only may lead to ignorance of ethicality of actions.


A civil servant should thus adopt a flexible approach. The basic principles of constitution should be uphold and one should focus on one’s duty, course of actions along with the end result.

Best answer: Crixtain

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