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Day 39 – Q 4.How does emotional management help a person sustain losses and overcome setbacks? Illustrate.

4. How does emotional management help a person sustain losses and overcome setbacks? Illustrate. 

भावनात्मक प्रबंधन किसी व्यक्ति को घाटे से निपटने और असफलताओं को दूर करने में कैसे मदद करता है? उदाहरण देकर स्पष्ट करें।


“Human behaviour flows from three main sources: desire, emotions, and knowledge.”— Plato

The ability to realize, readily accept, as well as successfully control feelings in oneself (and sometimes others) is known as the emotion management skill. In other words, emotional management refers to the ability to master your own emotions. Emotional management is not about avoiding emotions but learning to face and understand them.


One must have complete authority over changing his/her thoughts and feelings that are generated whenever his/her values are touched by the actions of a person or an event such as failing after multiple attempts in UPSC, getting dumped in the relationship, failing in a job interview or getting diagnosed oneself with terminal illness. Emotional management helps one to sustain such losses and overcome setbacks.

  • Through emotional management one changes his thoughts and feelings, which helps in preventing him from reactive outbursts. Emotional management let off some steam and let one feel less aggressive in losses or setback.
  • It helps you manage your reactions, by underplaying one emotion when not appropriate and overemphasizing another one which is most required at that time.
  • Before you have an automatic reflexive emotional response, Emotional management helps you evaluate the situation more neutrally. 
  • When you face setbacks and your emotions get out of control, Emotional management teaches how to face them, instead of running away from them.
  • Emotional management helps reinterpret a negative situation more positively. It will help you make sense out of the experience rather than getting stuck in negative emotion and turn those emotions into fuel for improvement.
  • Confronting our emotions — and making sense out of them — makes it easier to address what triggers our emotional response and avoid mindless reactions.
  • Emotional management accepts one’s feelings without fighting or judging them. Accepting our emotions, not turning away from them, is one of the core practice of mindfulness.
  • Emotional management helps in better and quick decision making, and overcome the ‘heat of the moment’.
  • Emotional management is beneficial for people experiencing stress, depression, disappointment or unhappiness as all these impact productivities and self-esteem and Emotional management help regaining confidence and self-pride.


Emotions play an essential role in our lives. We cannot ignore or silence them, but we can’t let them take over either. Hence, emotion management is an important skill for a successful and happy life. One should not suffer from negative emotions by being their slaves, but rather try to conquer emotions with proper management. As Oscar Wilde said, “I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”

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