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Day 77 – Q 2.What is financial probity? Why is an important civil service value? Examine.

2. What is financial probity? Why is an important civil service value? Examine.

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Probity is the act of strict adherence to highest principles and ideals (integrity, good character, honesty, decency) rather than avoiding corrupt or dishonest conduct. It balances service to the community against the self-interest of individuals.

 Probity contains for things – 

  • Integrity
  • Moral Knowledge
  • Decency, Humbleness
  • Strong positive emotion

Probity is emphasised by the UN Convention against corruption. Probity is the evidence of ethical behaviour in a particular process. 

Financial probity means, strict obedience to a code of ethics based on absolute honesty, especially in commercial or monetary matters and beyond legal requirements. 


Why is an important civil service value? 

  • Civil servants deal with public fund, given to government by people in trust. Since it is not their own money, unlike private sector, practicing financial probity becomes extremely important for civil servants. 
  • Justice and rule of law – treat tender participants fairly and equally, and avoid giving one tender participant an improper advantage over another.
  • Maintain confidentiality of participants’ confidential information, including commercially sensitive information and intellectual property.
  • Ensure tender processes, negotiations, evaluation processes, and contract management processes are auditable, transparent and accountable.
  • Proactively identify and manage conflicts of interest whether real, potential or perceived appropriately and in accordance with applicable legal and policy requirements, including applicable Victorian Public Sector codes of conduct.
  • Financial probity in governance is the antithesis of corruption in public life.

Tough action against illegal sand Mining by IAS officer Durga Shakti Nagpal or against illegal land deal by Ashok Khemka sets an example of essence of financial probity among govt. officers.


Financial probity in governance is an essential and vital requirement for an efficient and effective system of governance and for socio-economic development. Ensuring financial probity in public sector activities by civil servant is part of every public official’s duty to adopt processes, practices and behaviour that enhance and promote public sector values and interests.

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