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World Geography

All the articles in World Geography

Day 4 – Q 4. Describe where most of the world’s coral reefs are located. Give examples of islands or island groups that have coral reefs. What dangers does climate change pose for reefs? Discuss.

4. Describe where most of the world’s coral reefs are located. Give examples of islands or island groups that have coral reefs. What dangers does climate change pose for reefs? Discuss. 4.वर्णन करें कि दुनिया के अधिकांश कोरल रीफ कहाँ स्थित हैं। द्वीप या द्वीप समूह जहाँ  कोरल रीफ हैं . . . Read more

Day 4 – Q 3. What would be the major changes in the world’s coastal zones if sea level were to rise? Discuss.

3. What would be the major changes in the world’s coastal zones if sea level were to rise? Discuss. 3.समुद्र के स्तर में वृद्धि होने पर दुनिया के तटीय क्षेत्रों में बड़े बदलाव क्या होंगे? चर्चा करें। Approach: Give a brief introduction regarding the threat of sea level rise. Divide . . . Read more

Day 4 – Q 2. The highest concentration of marine life is found in which parts of the ocean? Why?

2. The highest concentration of marine life is found in which parts of the ocean? Why? 2.समुद्री जीवन की उच्चतम सांद्रता समुद्र के कुछ हिस्सों में पाई जाती है? क्यूं? Approach: Write a short introduction of 1 or 2 lines Body must include regions of high concentration of marine life . . . Read more

Day 4 – Q 1. What kind of plant and animal life can survive in the polar climates? What special adaptations must this life make to the harsh conditions of this region? Discuss.

1. What kind of plant and animal life can survive in the polar climates? What special adaptations must this life make to the harsh conditions of this region? Discuss. 1. किस प्रकार के पौधे और पशु ध्रुवीय मौसम में जीवित रह सकते हैं? इस क्षेत्र की कठोर परिस्थितियों में इस . . . Read more

Day 3 – Q 5. What would you recommend as a solution to prevent the loss of valuable historical monuments to weathering process? Discuss.

5. What would you recommend as a solution to prevent the loss of valuable historical monuments to weathering process? Discuss. 5. अपक्षय प्रक्रिया से मूल्यवान ऐतिहासिक स्मारकों के होने वाले नुकसान को रोकने के लिए आप समाधान के रूप में क्या सलाह देंगे? चर्चा करेंI Body: India is an old . . . Read more

Day 3 – Q 3. How does the formation of the Hawaiian Islands support plate tectonics theory? Discuss.

3. How does the formation of the Hawaiian Islands support plate tectonics theory? Discuss. 3. हवाई द्वीप समूह का निर्माण प्लेट टेक्टोनिक्स सिद्धांत का समर्थन कैसे करता है? चर्चा करें। Approach Give a brief introduction about Tectonic Theory. Explain briefly the plate tectonics. Explain the formation of Hawaiian Islands with . . . Read more

Day 3 – Q 2. Where are the major warm and cool ocean currents located in respect to Earth’s continents? Which currents have the greatest effects on North America?

2. Where are the major warm and cool ocean currents located in respect to Earth’s continents? Which currents have the greatest effects on North America? 2. पृथ्वी के महाद्वीपों के संबंध में स्थित प्रमुख गर्म और शांत महासागर धाराएं कहां हैं? उत्तरी अमेरिका पर कौन से धाराओं का सबसे बड़ा . . . Read more

Day 3 – Q 1. What effect would foehn-type winds have on farming, forestry and ski-resorts? Discuss.

1. What effect would foehn-type winds have on farming, forestry and ski-resorts? Discuss. 1. खेती, वानिकी और स्की रिसॉर्ट्स पर फोहन-प्रकार की हवाओं का क्या असर होगा? चर्चा करें। Approach: Introduction: Mention what is Foehn wind and types. Body: Use those three areas mentioned in question and give one positive . . . Read more