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Day 52

All the articles in Day 52

Day 52 – Q 5.What is religious indoctrination? How does it lead to youth adopting the path of terror? What is the best way to prevent it? Discuss.

5. What is religious indoctrination? How does it lead to youth adopting the path of terror? What is the best way to prevent it? Discuss.  धार्मिक मतारोपण क्या है? यह युवाओं को आतंक के रास्ते को अपनाने के लिए कैसे प्रेरित करता है? इसे रोकने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या . . . Read more

Day 52 – Q 4.With the abrogation of Article 370, there is a fear of Jammu & Kashmir becoming a playground for external state and non-state actors trying to destabilise peace and order in the valley. Do you agree? How can this threat be averted? Suggest.

4. With the abrogation of Article 370, there is a fear of Jammu & Kashmir becoming a playground  for external state and non-state actors trying to destabilise peace and order in the valley. Do you agree? How can this threat be averted? Suggest.  धारा 370 के निरस्त होने के साथ, . . . Read more

Day 52 – Q 3.India is the typical example of a country suffering from external state sponsored terrorism. Comment. How is the government planning to address it? Discuss.

3. India is the typical example of a country suffering from external state sponsored terrorism. Comment. How is the government planning to address it? Discuss.   भारत बाहरी राज्य प्रायोजित आतंकवाद से पीड़ित देश का विशिष्ट उदाहरण है। टिप्पणी करें। सरकार इससे कैसे निपटने की योजना बना रही है? चर्चा करें। Introduction: . . . Read more

Day 52 – Q 2.The term ‘urban naxal’ has gained currency in the last few years. What is the meaning of this term? What are your views on the belief that the so called urban naxals are a security threat to India? Comment.

2. The term ‘urban naxal’ has gained currency in the last few years. What is the meaning of this term? What are your views on the belief that the so called urban naxals are a security threat to India? Comment.  ‘शहरी नक्सल ’शब्द ने पिछले कुछ वर्षों में प्रचलित हुई . . . Read more

Day 52- Q 1.What strategies do left wing extremists adopt to destabilise the democracy? What has been the government’s strategy to thwart such threats? Examine.

1. What strategies do left wing extremists adopt to destabilise the democracy? What has been the government’s strategy to thwart such threats? Examine.  वामपंथी उग्रवादी लोकतंत्र को अस्थिर करने के लिए क्या रणनीति अपनाते हैं? इस तरह की धमकियों को विफल करने के लिए सरकार की क्या रणनीति रही है? . . . Read more