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Day 36

All the articles in Day 36

Day 36 – Q 5.How does empathy and tolerance affect the decision making abilities of a civil servant? Examine.

5. How does empathy and tolerance affect the decision making abilities of a civil servant? Examine.  सहानुभूति और सहिष्णुता एक सिविल सेवक की निर्णय लेने की क्षमता को कैसे प्रभावित करती है? जांच करें। Introduction: Impartiality, fairness, efficiency, and effectiveness in the Public service depend on objectivity in personnel decisions. . . . Read more

Day 36 – Q 4.What are some of the foundational values for civil services? Why are they called ‘foundational’? Explain.

4. What are some of the foundational values for civil services? Why are they called ‘foundational’? Explain.  नागरिक सेवाओं के लिए कुछ मूलभूत मूल्य क्या हैं? उन्हें ‘मूलभूत’ क्यों कहा जाता है? स्पष्ट करें। Introduction: Civil services are an integral part of Indian democracy and considered as “Steel Frame” of . . . Read more

Day 36 – Q 3.Can aptitude of a person be assessed? What tools can be used to do it? Discuss.

3. Can aptitude of a person be assessed? What tools can be used to do it? Discuss.  क्या किसी व्यक्ति की योग्यता का आकलन किया जा सकता है? इसे करने के लिए कौन से उपकरण का उपयोग किया जा सकता है? चर्चा करें। Introduction: Aptitude is a component of competency to . . . Read more

Day 36 – Q 2.Can a person without administrative aptitude become a successful public servant? Critically comment.

2. Can a person without administrative aptitude become a successful public servant? Critically comment.  क्या बिना प्रशासनिक अभिरुचि वाला व्यक्ति एक सफल लोक सेवक बन सकता है? समालोचनात्मक टिप्पणी करें। Introduction: An aptitude is a component of a competence to do a certain kind of work at a certain level. . . . Read more

Day 36 – Q 1.How does aptitude differ from attitude? Illustrate.

1. How does aptitude differ from attitude? Illustrate.  अभिवृत्ति कैसे दृष्टिकोण से भिन्न है? उदाहरण देकर स्पष्ट करना करें। Introduction: Attitude and Aptitude are important characteristics of the human personality, which influence one’s learning, performance and behaviour as well as the way one adapts to his or her environment. Body . . . Read more